Monday, November 12, 2007

My Wordless Monday Picture Blog (Week 10)


saptulura2dy said...

take photography lessons.

im really bad!

saptulura2dy said...

take photography lessons!
wahahaha (my bad)

dodong flores 도동 플로오리스 said...

Photos are very familiar, Hmmnn...

I'll try to find those good old photos in film in my archive... :)

Nice shots you've got here. When whas this taken? ;)

As for the habal-habal in my post, habal-habal are only coined to single motorcycles used as public transport in remote areas. Motorcycles with side car are always called tricycle or trike in most areas in the country. :)

kegler747 said...

@ dodong: These were taken last Nov. 1 in Alubijod, Guimaras.

Yup tama ka... yung habal-habal yung mga motorsiklo

grumpyurbanslacker said...

the sand doesn't seem very white, and kinda grainy, judging from the pic...